The Project
secondary school
Oltepes Tanzania
The Project
Our first project is building a secondary school in Ngabobo Tanzania. A school for children of underprivileged Maasai families. There is a desperate need to build this school since there’s currently only one other secondary school in the region. This makes it impossible for a lot of children to pursue education. This school would provide a secondary school education for four years for 40 children every year. In total, the school could accommodate 160 children per year. This would enable girls who would otherwise be married in an early stage of their youth or boys who would be responsible for herding the cattle, to continue their education and have hope for a better life.
Meet Flora – A Girl From maasai family
On our journey, we met Dr. Cornelia. She is currently running the largest foundation in the country, founded by her mother 15 years ago. She is doing her very best and has successfully accomplished an impressive number of projects, but still needs more help. We decided to help Dr. Cornelia build the new secondary school. A school that will give 160 children the opportunity to get an education and improve their chances of a better future. The construction has started and the project is proceeding well, but we need more donations to complete it.
Dr. Cornelia – OUr Partner in tanzania

The total amount required to accomplish the fully functional secondary boarding school is €100.000.
Since our first visit in 2021, we have worked hard to get this project started and to raise funds to achieve completion of the necessary phases, in alignment with the national school calendar.
Phase 2 – In progress
- School ready for class 1 to 4
- Budget needed €100.000
- Intended deadline Jan 2024
Phase 1 – Achieved
- School ready for class 1
- Budget needed €30.000
- Intended deadline jan 2023
The project is divided into 2 phases:
Phase 1: due to the effort of many partners and ambassadors we have finished phase 1 in January 2023. The shell of the main building is finalized and a preliminary opening took place. More than 400 people (future students, government officials, families of various Maasai tribes, members of Moving Mountains & Africa Amini Alama and many many more) joined the festivities to celebrate the acknowledgement of the school through its official registration. The first class of 40 children started attending lessons from that moment onwards.
Phase 2: we are currently actively seeking funds to finish phase 2. This phase is focused on elaborating water supply, and building the teacher houses and boarding school facilities. The first class with students who are already taking classes are now temporarily provided with improvisational means to stay overnight if they want (and they all do as they love school!)
“We are quite literally building
a foundation for a brighter future”
The bigger picture
Building a school 7000km away from The Netherlands (home base of Moving Mountains) might seem like a goal with a distant impact. But the effect is much, much bigger.
We empower, connect and act
Empowering the children in the Maasai region of Tanzania to become self-sufficient might be the first step of our mission, but there are multiple closely related circles of influence that we are strongly committed to. We are throwing the rock into the water and the circles will reach many others, including you.
Connecting people in the right way, by seeking the benefits of showing each other what human interaction can bring, what we can learn from each other and how we are all linked to one another in this world. The energy of connection is impressive.
Acting to make the dream real. To show what can be achieved by Moving Mountains together.
Nice words, but what now? How does this all link into our activities?

Let’s zoom out: climate change is here and needs our full attention. The effect of the modern world (so far) is taking its toll on fragile regions, such as the Maasai region at the base of Kilimanjaro. Drought is preventing the continuation of the traditional cattle herding life of the tribes. There is simply not enough vegetation for the goats and cows.
The traditional agriculture is offering failed crops for the last two years now. Food scarcity is an everyday challenge.
Regenerative Agriculture is an upcoming development and a proven way to stop depletion of the soil and to replenish it, whilst having a better chance at harvesting a healthy crop. Teaching the next generation about this sustainable farming practice will not only secure the future of the children and their families, but will provide a beautiful solution to maintain the traditional Maasai culture and habits. It is a way for the tribes to maintain their land and their cattle and to become self-sufficient as they aim to remain.
Applying Regenerative Agriculture is not just a small-farmers-effort, but is a sustainable activity that is now also applied in large scale farming practices across the world. Stopping tillage and applying conscious enrichment of the soil will increase nature’s capability to bear life and sustain biodiversity.
Moving Mountains is very proud to be initiating this important change for the children and the climate.
Growing up in The Netherlands most likely means that your children go to a school close to home, that they have the digital world at their fingertips, not worrying much about the ultimate basic necessities in life. The place where you are born, the opportunities your parents had, and did or did not act on, provide the first parameters for the children to have a chance at a future of choice.
As a parent you will probably recognize that your kids sometimes complain that they ‘have to’ go to school and don’t feel like doing so. Wouldn’t it be extremely valuable if they see that going to school is a true privilege and not a burden? If they would realize that the children in the Oltepes region are intensely happy to be able to learn something new each day. To see their joy and appreciation for the chance of enriching themselves with knowledge.
We believe that creating awareness by teaching our own children about the value of learning, the privileges we have of attending school will trigger a more conscious perspective. Talking with them about the differences in the world in way of life and opportunities, but also discovering the similarities and to have fun in connecting with kids from another continent. It is truly great to see the passion in the eyes of the children here in the Netherlands, when they realize that they can help the kids in Tanzania themselves!
To read more about our funding raising activities in The Netherlands, click here.
Creating awareness – See how worlds blend together
Social Responsibility
It is fantastic to see that nowadays companies, big and small, see benefit in contributing to social projects. By actively sponsoring or donating to a cause outside their own regular commercial scope, they show that their company’s economic growth provides a chance to support other people and communities in improving their living conditions. Donating to the project of Moving Mountains, shows you care about others and care about our world.
If you own a small or midsized company and have the power to decide to make a donation: imagine how it would feel to directly contribute to the lives of 160 children and what your impact can be!
If you work at a large enterprise and feel inspired: take that step to talk with your management team (we can support with multimedia to tell our story). Large companies often have dedicated funds from which donations can be made.
As the foundation “Moving Mountains” has an officially acknowledged ANBI status, a tax advantage applies to your companys’s donation. More info, click here.
Additionally, any donation above €250,- will be mentioned on our Donor page. For larger donations, let’s discuss our social media options!
We believe that all of the above can have a direct influence on your life, too. If you want to move a mountain with us, let us know. We can truly make impact together.